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Us we ensure that our fabrics come from crops free of products chemicals y respect the natural process of the earth inregenerate

Organic agriculture is defined as an autonomous farming system based on the optimal use of natural resources, without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - neither for fertilisers nor for pest control - nor for crops, thus achieving organic food while preserving the fertility of the soil and respecting the environment. All in a sustainable and balanced way. Organic cotton is widely recognised as a method of cultivation without the use of synthetic chemicals.


When a cotton is also GOTS, it includes the guarantee that the cotton has been grown in good conditions for the workers. The same applies if the cotton is Fairtrade certified, although this is still rare in our country.


The notion that conventional cotton uses less water than organic cotton is false. There are several international studies that show that a T-shirt made only with organic cotton has been able to consume far fewer litres of water than one made with conventional cotton.


Organic cotton has a much lower impact on water for several reasons:

Organic farmers generally have healthier soil, both because of the absence of pesticides and herbicides and because of the use of other soil-building techniques. Healthy soil can hold more water, like a sponge, resulting in less flooding and more resilient soil during droughts.

Hazardous chemicals also cannot escape into waterways, so rivers, lakes and drinking water are kept clean.

Most organic cotton is grown in rain-fed areas. Farmers rely on rain to irrigate their crops, rather than extracting water from the soil, which can negatively affect local water supplies for communities.




GOTS certification is the world's leading textile processing standard for organic fibres. It includes ecological and social criteria, and requires producers to go through rigorous verification processes at every point in the supply chain before receiving certification.

First, certification to government organic farming standards is needed to demonstrate that cotton fibre is grown without the use of toxic chemicals or pesticides. Farmers must also be certified according to international organic farming standards, which helps with the traceability of the cotton. For cotton to be certified organic, it must also be grown in soil that has been free of banned substances for at least three years prior to harvest.



In regards to human rights, the GOTS  certification also have social criteria that are aligned with the International Labor Organization (ILO), which must be met by all processors and manufacturers. These include:

  • Employment is freely chosen

  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining (also known as unionization) are respected

  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic.

  • Child labor is not allowed

  • Workers must receive a living wage

  • Working hours are not excessive.

  • No discrimination

  • Regular employment provided

  • Harsh or inhumane treatment is not permitted.



  • All chemicals used (dyes, processing) must meet toxicity and biodegradability requirements

  • Bleaches must be based on ​​oxygen and chlorine bleaching is not allowed

  • carcinogenic azo dyes are not allowed

  • PVC, nickel or chrome accessories are not allowed

  • Printing methods that use aromatic solvents, phthalates or PVC are not allowed

  • operators must have policies and procedures to minimize waste and discharges

  • All wastewater must be treated in functional treatment plants (not just released into waterways)

  • Packaging cannot contain PVC, and all paper or cardboard used must be recycled or FSC or PEFC certified

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